In-design/Photoshop/Light room

     In multimedia class, we learned about different editing software based on Adobe. Cindy taught us how to use photoshop, illustrator, Lightroom and also InDesign. Our friends help us to learn about the things we don’t know. I am very excited to learn how to use photoshop because I have never used it before and saw my friend doing it. I thought that photoshop was very interesting because you can turn a photo into different things. You can add and edit the quality of it too. Indesign was the software that we mostly use during this year since the Geography book team needed to make a book. They used the software InDesign to do it. Though right now I am not really good photoshop but am planning to learn more from youtube and also my friends because anybody can be your teacher. No matter who they are there will always be a lesson that they can teach you.

No-Plastic Exploration

The stainless steel straw standing up, the sugarcane styrofoam under the straw and the bags

     For this school year, my exploration is called no plastic Cambodia. The goal of this exploration is trying to reduce as much single-use plastic as possible. In the first few weeks, we learned about what is single-use plastic and also about what products can be used to replace plastic. In the middle of the exploration we did some survey to know just how much plastic is brought into Liger and how much does everyone in the Liger family use plastic each day. Plastic is really bad for the environment because there are different chemical in it that can cause many different sicknesses. People can even die due to breathing the smoke from burning plastic. For now, we are focusing on how to eliminate plastic straws. We also presented our data and a poster about the contagiousness of a sugarcane cup. What we want to show is that most people like taking straws when they are drinking sugarcane but they have no idea who or what touched the straw and how dirty it is. It is interesting how people react to the poster. We also went on different trips like going to Aeon to meet Sandy, she is from the only one planet and her goal is also similar to ours. She imports different products from China such as styrofoam boxes that are made from the waste of sugarcane, cornstarch straw, and different silicon product. I was really impressed by the sugarcane waste styrofoam because it is totally organic and take about only 8-9 months to decompose and if you burn it there will be no harmful chemical. We also launch our campaign this Friday, we will be giving out nylon bags and stainless steel straw so that our students can reduce the use of plastics. “One might not make a difference but together we can make changes” was a quote that is created by the no plastic exploration which means we have to rise together in order to fight and tackle a problem and also the changes can be made anywhere and everywhere. By reading this I hope you are aware of just how much plastic you are using and the effect that it can cause to the world and all living things, not just you.

Just how small is an atom?

I love to study stem because it is very interesting. For our stem this year we learned about the family of atom. Our teacher introduced us to the atom families story:

In the center of Matterville, there is a place called the Nucleus Arcade, where two members of the Atoms Family like to hang out. Perky Patty Proton, like her sisters, is quite large with a huge smile and eyes that sparkle (+). Patty is always happy and has a very positive personality. Nerdy Nelda Neutron is large like Patty, but she has a boring, flat mouth and eyes with zero expression (o). Her family is very apathetic and neutral about everything. Patty, Nelda, and their sisters spend all their time at the arcade.

Around the Nucleus Arcade, you will find a series of roadways that are used by another member of the Atoms Family, Enraged Elliott Electron. Elliott races madly around the Arcade on his bright red chrome- plated Harley-Davidson. He rides so fast that no one can be sure where he is at any time. Elliott is much smaller than Patty and Nelda and he is always angry because these bigger relatives will not let him in the Arcade. He has a frown on his face, eyes that are squinted with anger, and a very negative (-) attitude.

The first energy street can only hold only two Electron brothers. The second energy street, called the Energy Freeway, can hold 8 brothers. The third energy street, called the Energy Superhighway, can hold 18 of the brothers.

The moral of Matterville is stable as long as each negative Electron brother is balanced out by one positive Proton sister. The number of residents in Matterville depends on the Proton and Neutron families.

We also learned about the different components of an atom that includes, electron, neutron, proton, and nucleus. It is very fascinating if you think about how small an atom really is. For example, the atom that is in grapefruit if you blow it to the size of a single blueberry, then the grapefruit would be as big as the Earth.  In stem class, I take note in my book instead of the computer. I also include drawing so that it can help understand more about the topic.

This is my note





Old English

My calligraphy

For this year literacy, we did a themed learning and our theme was ancient English. We learned about different root words from ancient English. My favorite unit was unit 5 which is express yourself! The root words are dict, scrib/sciprt, and graph/gram. The origin from this words is Greek and Latin. In every unit, we did some analogies and sentence completion. At the beginning of the week, we also have a weekly assessment. My favorite words from this unit are the word calligraphy because in my free time I love to calligraphy quote to express myself. Doing calligraphy is very enjoyable and fun for me.

     We also learned and read about the story called “Poison” by Roald Dahl. In the story there are three main characters, Timber, Harry and Docter Ganderbai. Here’s how the story goes: Timber drove home and went into the house. He saw Harry lying on his bed awake and frozen. He didn’t even move, not even a bit. As Timber went in to get a closer look, Harry told Timber not to be loud and to come near him. Harry said that there was a krait laying on his stomach and sleeping. Timber wanted to move the bedsheet quickly leaving no time for the krait to even bite Harry but Harry thought that it was too much of a risk. Harry suggested Timber to call the doctor. Soon enough doctor Ganderbai came and injected some serum into Harry so that if the Krait bites the poison will not kill him. Lastly they wanted to remove the bed sheet. Doctor Genderbai said that the Krait might be anywhere it can even be on his pajama leg. Just then for first time ever Harry jumped out of bed shaking his feet but there was nothing there. There was no slithery creature coming out. Then they realize that there was no Krait in the first place. The doctor told Harry that maybe he just confuse it with something else. Harry called the doctor “India Sewer Rat”. At the end Timber apologize for what Harry said. 

     I think that this story is very detailed and uses all senses to describe which is easy to visualize. Some say that the story is kind of racist because of how Harry called the doctor and how Timber describe the doctor. Timber describe the doctor as “Small Indian doctor”. 




My work from the textbook

     Math is very important for our learning because in the future you will need to use a lot of math. You can use math for many different ways such as if you own a business or if you are selling something. For this school year, we learned with the primary mathematics 5A book. The book mostly focused on fraction. We learned how to divide, plus, subtract and multiply fraction. We also learned a little about algebra and it was pretty confusing for me. I think that multiplying fraction is the easiest since you just need to multiply the numerator with the numerator and denominator with the denominator. I love doing the word problems that are in the math book. It is very challenging and interesting at the same time. We also learned that the word “of” in math means to multiply. There are also many different ways to solve the word problems you can solve it by using pictures and graph or by finding clue words in the world problem such as for, how much left, or all together. I was also struggling to understand some of the problems but with the help of my friends and my facilitator. I, now know more about fraction and word problems.

បទ​ ពាក្យប្រាំបី


យើងជាកូនសិស្សត្រូវខំប្រឹងប្រែង  ស្រវាតនិងស្រវែងទៅសិក្សា

យកសៀវភៅមកហើយខំកត់ត្រា ពាក្យគ្រូបាអច្ចារប្រៀនប្រដៅ។

កំុខំប្រឹងពេកលេងទូរសព័្ទ ព្រោះវាអាចបន្លាស់ផ្លូវយើងដើរ

ធ្វើឲ្យយើងគិតថាវាប្រសើរ មិនគិតសួរខ្លួនតើល្អដូចម្តេច។

ទៅរៀនម្តាយខំអង្វរនិងដេញ ឲ្យខំប្រឹងប្រែងវិញមិនទាន់ហួសពេល

ចូរកូនសិក្សាកំុឲ្យខ្លួនរេល កុំឲ្យខ្លួនទំនេរអង្គុយលេង។

មុនរាប់អានមិត្តភក្តិត្រូវគិតសិន តើវាជាប្រហិណឬប្រយោជន៍

មិត្តភក្តិដែលអាចនាំរៀននិង​សើច ឬក៏មិត្តចិត្តខ្លោចនាំតែវ៉ែ។

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ធ្វើឲ្យខ្លួនឯងមិនដឹងអីច្បាស់ អង្គុយមុខក្រដាស់គ្មានអក្សរ។

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រៀនសិក្សាពូកែហើយនិងចេះ បើធ្វេះប្រហេសកុំស្តាយក្រោយ។

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ឲ្យកំណាព្យនេះជួយថ្លែងនិងថ្លាយ ចូរកុំព្រោះសប្បាយភ្លេចការសិក្សា។

ជាចុងបញ្ចប់ខ្ញុំសូមជូនពរ មីង ពូ​ ពុក ម៉ែក៏សុកសប្បាយ

សូមកុំឲ្យមានគ្រោះមហន្ត​រាយ ចូរជួយចេញឲ្យឆ្ងាយមានតែលាភ។


Girl for the future | Technovation

At the Google headquarter

“Dream doesn’t become a reality through magic, it takes sweat, hard work and determination – Colin Powell”. Nowadays, many programs are created to empower and show the potential for girls. That’s why I decided to join Technovation. Dom, our country director introduced us to Technovation. In order to join technovation, we need to have at least two or three people in our group. For my group, there were me, Cheata, Leza, Sabda and Mariya. When we started learning, each team got at least two mentors. The beginning of technovation was really stressful and difficult. Since it was my first time getting introduced to a much former code block. Every day on Sunday we would go to CKCC and learned more about technovation. CKCC is a school where we went to study for technovation. There were two categories that we need to learn about are business and coding. I was the coder and sometime it can be so stressful that I want to drop out of Technovation. The only things that keep me motivated were my team and the thought that I have come this far and accomplished this much but if I turn back it is like all the effort and sweat that I put into all of this would be meaningless. I and my team were developing an app that is called “Cambodia Identity Product”. The app helps people that are living in poverty and are selling Cambodia traditional product. The goal of this app is to help and promote traditional product since nowaday moderns product is so popular. It was the last week of technovation and I have to wake up early in the morning which is 3 am and finished the code checklist. After our submission globally we have to pitch our idea which is in the mini pitch. Unfortunately, my team didn’t win and we thought that our app will not be good enough. From then on I stopped thinking about my app and I just try to forget it. On the day that I opened my computer, I stood in front of my computer paralyzed both in shock and in excitement. My team got to the semi-final and I am very proud of it. For now, all our team can do is to cross our fingers and hope that we could get to the final. The finalist was announced and we were one of the finalists. We got to go the US to pitch our idea. We spent about one week in the US. I am very proud of my team because this is the first time ever that a team from Cambodia has won to the world pitch. We really enjoyed being in the US and we got to visit different places such as cryptic studio, Google. I was very excited to make new friends, gain new experiences and try new foods. Even though my team didn’t win the world pitch, but I am very proud of my team. Getting to go to the US help me to have more perspective on different problems in different countries. Collaboration on a team is very important. So that’s why you need a lot of teamwork to succeed. For my team, we need to pitch our idea to a group of smart and professional people. I am really proud of myself for being able to  speak confidently on the stage. I also want to say thank you to the Cambodian who came to support us. It felt really great to know that we have someone there that are helping and guiding us. For them to take their time from what they are doing and to come support and teach us, is phenomenal.  Lastly, I want to show the world that girls can do just as many things as boys can and I also want to inspire girls to join technovation because opportunity doesn’t just come and go so any opportunity that knocks just open a free hand for the opportunity.